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Volvo Car Showrooms and Dealers in Kendua, Address, Phone Numbers and Email IDs

Volvo Car Showrooms and Dealers in Kendua, Address, Phone Numbers and Email IDs - Find a list of Volvo Car Showrooms and Dealers in Kendua, West Bengal along with their Service Centre with their Address, Contact Person, Phone Numbers, Fax Number, Email IDs etc.

Volvo Car Showrooms and Dealers in Kendua, Address, Phone Numbers and Email IDs


About Volvo (Volvo Car Showrooms and Dealers in Kendua, Address, Phone Numbers and Email IDs)

The Volvo Group is a Swedish multinational manufacturing company headquartered in Gothenburg. While its core activity is the production, distribution and sale of trucks, buses and construction equipment, Volvo also supplies marine and industrial drive systems and financial services. In 2016, it was the world's second largest manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks.

Automobile manufacturer Volvo Cars, also based in Gothenburg, was part of AB Volvo until 1999, when it was sold to the Ford Motor Company. Since 2010 it has been owned by the Geely Holding Group, a Chinese multinational automotive manufacturing company. Both AB Volvo and Volvo Cars share the Volvo logo and cooperate in running the Volvo Museum in Sweden.

The company was first listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in 1935, and was on the NASDAQ indices from 1985 to 2007.

Volvo was established in 1915 as a subsidiary of SKF, a ball bearing manufacturer; however both the Volvo Group and Volvo Cars regard the rollout of the company's first car series, the Volvo ÖV 4, on 14 April 1927, as their beginning. The building remains (57°42′50″N 11°55′19″E).

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